Learning is easy
Doing is tough
Learning and development leaders have been barraged for years with a distressing truth: Training does not hit the mark. The October 2016 issue of Harvard Business Review provides a thoroughly researched article that concludes “For the most part, learning does not lead to better organizational performance, because people soon revert to their old ways of doing things.” (Beer, Finnstrom & Schrader, 2016).
Previous research on training effectiveness, and our dozens of impact evaluation studies over the past 30 years, indicate that only about 20% of training “sticks” in improved job performance of managers and leaders. Leaving 80% to scrap. For too long L&D has focused on developing methods and techniques to improve the learning situation, but what about the “doing” situation – the performance environment? After a traditional training we leave the participants to fend for themselves, but when we support them better and more frequently there is a big difference in driving desired business outcomes.
Did you know that
of learners use the training
to provide business value
Source: Harvard Business Review
Net Promoter score
is how employees rate the L&D department (yes – extremely low)
Source: Josh Bersin
Learning journey designs are the inevitable future for learning and development
More than ever, organizations rely on training to support the execution of strategy and change. At the same time, most training initiatives are too “event” based and do not engage learners in a meaningful and effective performance improvement process. Basically there are two routes for training to go from here – step up or step down.– High Performance Learning Journeys ® is the way to go. And if you want to contribute to business success, it is the only option
Step up
Take responsibility for application from training and use methods that bridge the gap between learning and doing.
Step down
Just keep on trying to make your ineffective training “events” cheaper and easier to access.
When you step up
High Performance Learning Journeys ® is the way to go. And if you want to contribute to business success, it is the only option
HPLJ Methodology´s results:
of participants contribute to
Business Impact
of participants experience
Sustained Performance Impact
of participants feel
Accountable for applying
their learning
Ready To Make an Impact?
The High Performance Learning Journey ® (HPLJ) approach has been proven to dramatically increase the impact of training on workplace performance. In this online certification program you will use practical tools and methods to integrate performance improvement concepts and fundamental learning theories into your own best-practice design that will drive sustained behavioral change, improve workplace performance and create lasting results. Let us set you up for success!

Become a recognized expert in training and development
The program is intended for learning professionals. You will join a cadre of instructional designers, facilitators, HR managers, learning and development professionals/project managers, performance consultants, that know how to succesfully transform training interventions to deliver desired performance

Program Description
This program explores the methodologies and practices in designing training programs that increase performance. It explains the key concepts and principles that form the foundation of a successful training program. This program mixes self-paced learning with interactive exercises in live webinar sessions to supplement and enhance your understanding of the HPLJ concepts, as well as case example segments from experts to help you become a more proficient HPLJ practitioner. During the program you will develop existing workforce development interventions or design new ones and convert them into learning journeys that more effectively and efficiently improve employee performance.
Professor Robert Brinkerhoff
Professor Robert Brinkerhoff is an internationally recognized expert in learning effectiveness and evaluation. His proven concepts and methods are used and testified to by scores of major organizations worldwide.