Brinkerhoff certification
For High Performance Learning Journeys®

What is HPLJ?
The Brinkerhoff Certification for High Performance Learning Journeys ® (HPLJ) is a certification program where you will learn how to design effective training programs that create lasting behavioral change.Program Description
This program explores the methodologies and practices in designing training programs that increase performance. It explains the key concepts and principles that form the foundation of a successful training program. This program mixes self-paced learning with interactive exercises in live webinar sessions to supplement and enhance your understanding of the HPLJ concepts, as well as case example segments from experts to help you become a more proficient HPLJ practitioner. During the program you will develop existing workforce development interventions or design new ones and convert them into learning journeys that more effectively and efficiently improve employee performance.
This is HPLJ
More than ever, organizations rely on the support of training to execute strategy and change. At the same time, most training as it is designed today is too “event” based and does not engage learners in a meaningful and effective performance improvement process. In this certification program designed and developed jointly with Robert Brinkerhoff, trainers, facilitators and instructional designers will get the tools to make training programs and create new and lasting behaviors for their participants.
Become a recognized expert in training and development
The program is intended for learning professionals. You will join a cadre of instructional designers, facilitators, HR managers, learning and development professionals/project managers, performance consultants, that know how to succesfully transform training interventions to deliver desired performance.

HPLJ – takes you further
Gain insights
Gain insights into where digital tools will add value to your training initiatives
By peers and experts
Transform one of your existing programs to a full flag-ship HPLJ program – or create a brand new one – reviewed by peers and experts
Earn a certification
Earn a certification in designing High Performance Learning Journeys ®